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php把对象count 统计 实现Countable计算数量 php进阶
上善若水2022-01-02 16:04:55【PHP框架交流】 1996人已围观
简介php把对象count 统计 count计算数量,我们知道一般count作用于数量,用于计算数组里面的元素数量, class A implements \Countable { /**
php把对象count 统计 count计算数量,我们知道一般count作用于数量,用于计算数组里面的元素数量,
class A implements \Countable
* @var array $data
public $data = [];
public function count()
return count($this->data);
$a = new A();
$array = ['ak' => 'a'];
如图就可以轻松实现对一个对象调用count() 函数了.打印结果为
* Counts all elements in an array, or something in an object.
* <p>For objects, if you have SPL installed, you can hook into count() by implementing interface {@see Countable}.
* The interface has exactly one method, {@see Countable::count()}, which returns the return value for the count() function.
* Please see the {@see Array} section of the manual for a detailed explanation of how arrays are implemented and used in PHP.</p>
* @link https://php.net/manual/en/function.count.php
* @param array|Countable $value The array or the object.
* @param int $mode [optional] If the optional mode parameter is set to
* COUNT_RECURSIVE (or 1), count
* will recursively count the array. This is particularly useful for
* counting all the elements of a multidimensional array. count does not detect infinite recursion.
* @return int the number of elements in var, which is
* typically an array, since anything else will have one
* element.
* <p>
* If var is not an array or an object with
* implemented Countable interface,
* 1 will be returned.
* There is one exception, if var is null,
* 0 will be returned.
* </p>
* <p>
* Caution: count may return 0 for a variable that isn't set,
* but it may also return 0 for a variable that has been initialized with an
* empty array. Use isset to test if a variable is set.
* </p>
function count(Countable|array $value, int $mode = COUNT_NORMAL): int {}
很赞哦! (2)
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